In the beginning, there was the Ocean... Then the Ocean and all the Seas took her. She got swallowed by all the Blues and by the unbalanced Waves for Eternity. The Ocean is her Universe and the Universe is all on her. She is the, and belongs to, the Sea. She was born for it and on it she will lay in the End. The enormous Ocean, the indomitable Waters, the unpredictable Wind, the Storm! She belongs to the beginning of the End. Forced to a stubborn Life in the land of all the fresh Rivers Waters, tiny Salty Tear, she will die alone. Eternally seeking for the Warmness of his arms, whoever he may be, the man who calls her from the deep of the deepest and darkener Ocean...
At 18:02,
R. said…
azul a parva =D
At 15:45,
Penumbra said…
hum... o azul é sempre mais forte que as cores da fruta.
At 23:03,
Maria Manuel said…
O azul, todos os dias, até nos põe verdes!!
At 19:52,
Anónimo said…
Que saudades do azul!
At 14:15,
José Leite said…
Azul é lindo... excepto domingo... pois quero que ganhe o vermelho!!!
At 15:43,
Mick said…
Muito legal o seu blog! Tbm gosto muito de poesia! Bjs
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